Greenford news story:
National news story:
London news story:
Sports news story:
Funny news story
My groups Greenford news story was about sports day being postponed due to teacher strike. We chose this because we think it is vital for Key stage three in ghs to know that sports isn't on the normal day and to tell the others (students and teachers) that the children aren't happy about it.
Our national news story was about the shortage of working anti-biotics. This is very important news that everyone should be aware of because we need anti-biotics for things like colds and infections and without we could die from treatable things like temperatures.
The London news story was about some benches having children's story printed onto them. We chose this because it is interesting and so if we see this display around London, we know why.
Our sports news story was about Belgium winning the game. We chose this because many people are interested in the world cup.
Our funny news story was about gold fishes being smarter than we think. This is a generally interesting fact that others may want to know.
The order of our broadcasts was:
Greenford news story:
National news story:
London news story:
Sports news story:
Funny news story
We chose this because it makes sense to start with our community and then national and London news because its within our continent. we did sports next because its more world news. last we did funny news because its good to end on something light as news can be depressing at times.
To make sure my script was the right length, I gave my self a word count of only 150. I then wrote all the key information in a way that made sense and then the others in my group timed me. I took out any irrelevant information and then my script became perfect.
To make sure our stories were easy to understand, I used formal language in a clear voice so it was easy for all ages to pick up on the news.
To make sure my presentation was professional, I spoke clearly and sat in a tidy environment. also I kept in contact with the camera and made sure my surroundings weren't noisy.
In my group my role was to present the news and I helped with the typing as it helps when comes to speaking off the script.
I would say my group worked 4/5. this is because we all helped each other and the presentation went reasonably successfully.
For my team to be more successful, i think we should have each stuck to a specific role so that we had the information quicker.
If I had a opportunity to do this again I would speak a bit slower just so I don't make a pronunciation mistake. I would also give myself more time to get familiar with my script.
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