Title: Obsession
A dedicated young college boy is enchanted by the beauty of
the new girl who is mysterious and alluring causing his feelings to become more
than lust until he can’t bear to see her with anyone else apart from him and
takes his thoughts into actions.
This film is a thriller/drama which is set in London and is
similar to the film vertigo from the director Alfred Hitchcock. This film will
appeal to those to the age of 15+ who are interested in horrors.
The story is based on the character Chris who lets love blind
him into evil as he falls dangerously in love with stunning, admirable Jada who
is flirtatious and misleading.
The narrative of my film: 18 year old Chris who is devoted
to his life as a drama student almost instantly falls love struck with young Jada who
becomes popular and idolised. But with her deceitful ways she hypothesises him
into believing there are more than friends. Jada may think of this as a game
that most young adults play, however Chris is very serious about letting others
know their ‘status’ and decides to teach her a lesson.